Light Up for Hope–Alzheimer’s Texas Fundraiser

Team Westminster’s fundraising efforts for Alzheimer’s Texas are underway! On July 15th, we saw the courtyards of Westminster transformed into the vibrant and welcoming home for our Light Up for Hope Alzheimer’s Texas fundraising event. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation, our community, while social distancing, joined together for a night of community and musical entertainment in the name of supporting a great cause. The courtyards, decorated by our own residents and associates, glowed with the light of dozens of donated luminarias. Our residents had the opportunity to walk through our courtyards to view the lit luminarias, grab a snack, and hear some tunes.
Every year we fundraise for Alzheimer’s Texas and this year is especially important. Those with Alzheimer’s disease are especially vulnerable during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and contributions from our community have tremendous impact on their quality of life.
Our Light Up for Hope Event raised $1,940 dollars for Alzheimer’s Texas. We have two additional fundraisers this year for this great organization—the Westminster Phone-a-thon and our Silent Auction, stay tuned. Last year, we raised a recordbreaking $68,000 and hope to continue to be a leader in our fundraising efforts! Alzheimer’s Texas provides information, referrals, and a variety of support programs for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and their family members, caregivers, and professionals. Alzheimer’s Texas has proudly served Central Texas since 1982.